16 March, 2014
In the dark art of communications there is a growing trend towards using graphics and art to transmit social dialogue. As information and knowledge grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to convey concepts and opinion without the use of  some assistance. Re-enter the information graphic, which has been with us since homo erectus first learned to draw. In this current age we know these mechanisms as infographics. For the purposes of this discussion we will focus on Currency Infographics.
I was recently contacted by Ms. Madison Taylor, who works for a business called Master-of-Finance.org. It is common for our site to be contacted by businesses wishing to find access to our readers. I always decline those offers. In Madison’s case, being of an academic nature – and since I am a proponent of higher education – Â I decided to support their operation with the following infographic representing the current (at the time Master-of-Finance.org created it) value of a dollar – domestically and internationally.
A further validation of devoting a post to graphical currency knowledge was found in the discovery of an infographic designed by Garda Cash Logistics, which represents more of an historical perspective of currency.
My thanks to both organizations for their contributions…
Source: Master-of-Finance.org
Garda Cash Logistics
and yet more interesting perspectives from Master-of-Finance.org
Image compliments of Master of Finance Degrees